Get Started

Thank you for being one of our buyers. We are glad that you have joined us and that you are a user of our products. We hope you like it. As part of our support for our products, we have provided a complete user guide for our products. All you have to do is follow this guide step by step to install your site.

This item made by Vironeer under Envato Extended & Regular License

What Vironeer Support Include?

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We don't provide free customizations or installations or server problems fixing, we can provide them as paid services.


  • Server Requirements
    • PHP 8.2x
    • Operating System : Linux or Windows
    • Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server
    • MySql: 5.7+

  • Required Upgrades
    • Enabling of allow_url_fopen
    • Increasing of max_execution_time
    • Increasing of max_input_time
    • Increasing of post_max_size
    • Increasing of memory_limit
    • Increasing of upload_max_filesize

  • PHP Extensions
    • BCMath
    • Ctype
    • Fileinfo
    • JSON
    • Mbstring
    • OpenSSL
    • PDO
    • pdo_mysql
    • Tokenizer
    • XML
    • cURL
    • zip
    • GD

Note !

We are not required to provide the installation instructions for each server there is 1000+ server provider over the internet

Create New Database

Get Started
Login to your server and click MYSQL DATABASE

Create database name
Enter database name and click create

Create database user
Enter your details and click create

Add User To Database
Choose database name and database user then click add

Manage User Privileges
Choose All privileges then click make changes

Upload Script Files

First download the files from CodeCanyon and extract them in your computer

  • You will upload only a file with the name
  • Get Started
    Go to your server file manager

    Choose directory
    Open your directory then click on upload

    Upload files
    Click select file then choose the

    Choose then click extract

    Finish Extracting
    Click extract file(s)

    Note !

    After all files has been extracted now open your website URL and start installing

    Important !

    if your website URL cannot open or you see Error with code 500, its coming from your server side, please contact your server support, or check your server logs to know where is the problem.


    Important! : Make sure your server PHP Version is 8.1 before you start installing

    Server requirements
    Make sure all the requirements are enabled, if its disabled please enable it or contact your server support to enabled it

    File Permissions
    All those files must have a 0775 permission or above, its 0775 by default but some servers is change the permisssion when the files uploaded

    Licence Validation
    Enter your purchase code and click validate, you can follow this link to know how you can get it.
  • Where Is My Purchase Code?
  • Note! : Using the script without a licence is not our responsibility if you lost your data or you get hacked we are selling our items on codeCanyon only.

    General Information > Database Details
    Enter your database details and click continue.

    General Information > Database Import
    Click import database file.
    Important Notice !

    Some servers is disabling this option or they have a problem on mysql database if you get any problem or 500 Server Error please use manual import to import your database.

    General Information > Necessary Details
    Now just enter your website name and URL, and setUp your admin access details.

    Home Page Pattern

    Home Pattern
    Go to Admin > Settings > General

    Home Page Features

    Go to Admin > Manage Sections > Home Features

    Home Page FAQ

    Go to Admin > Manage Sections > Home FAQ


    Advertisements Section
    Go to Admin > Advertisements

    Edit you advertisement code
    Enter the advertisements code then enable it and click save

    General Information

    Genaral Information Section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > general

    General Information

    Upload Settings Section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Upload

    Storage Providers

    Storage Section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > storage

    Amazon S3
    Please watch this video to know how you can setUp amazon s3

    Please watch this video to know how you can setUp wasabi details

    Wasabi Console :

    SMTP Details

    SMTP is important to reset passwords and sending the ticket notifications and email verifications and transfers and more...

    SMTP Section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Smtp

    Update And Test
    Enter your details and enable the SMTP so you can test it

    Manage Pages

    Pages section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Pages

    Create a new page
    Click on the plus button to create new page

    Page details
    Enter your page details and click save

    Manage Admins

    Admins section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Admins

    Create new admin
    Enter details to create new admin

    Manage Extensions

    Extensions section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Extensions

    • How to get your Google Analytics tracking code : Click here
    • How to get Facebook OAuth Api keys : Click here
    • How to setup Google reCAPTCHA scroll down to Google reCAPTCHA section
    Go to and login or create account

    Edit details
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Extensions >

    Languages & Translation

    Languages section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Languages

    Language settings
    Show language code in URL or disable it

    Add new language
    Show language code in URL or disable it

    Translate your website to any language

    Mail Templates

    Mail Templates Section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > Mail templates

    Change email content
    Change the email content by chosing a group and edit it

    Control email colors and logo
    Change email logo and colors from email settings

    SEO Configurations

    SEO Configurations Section
    Go to Admin panel > Settings > SEO Configurations

    Create New SEO Configuration
    Select language and enter details then click save

    Google reCAPTCHA

    Get started
    To setUp the google captcha in your website first go to Google Captcha Console

    Cron Job Commands

    What is cron job?

    A cron job is a Linux command used for scheduling tasks to be executed sometime in the future. This is normally used to schedule a job that is executed periodically – for example, to send out a notice every morning etc...

    Why i need cron job in imgbob?

    Imgbob is using cron job to delete expired images and chunks.

    How i can setup cron job?

    There are some commands that you need to setup :

    For files :

    1 - Delete expired images

    This command is for deleting expired images.

    • Cron : * * * * *
    • Change SERVER_PATH to your path
    /usr/local/bin/php /home/SERVER_PATH/Application/artisan uploads:delete-expired >> /dev/null 2>&1
    2 - Deleting the chunks that uploaded by users and not completed

    This commands is for deleting the files and chunks that uploaded by users and example : (when user left before upload completed).

    • Cron : 25 * * * *
    • Change SERVER_PATH to your path
    /usr/local/bin/php /home/SERVER_PATH/Application/artisan uploads:clear >> /dev/null 2>&1